LRBC/BCM METAR and TAF weather

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Station Type Date Time Source
LRBC METAR 2024/04/19 18:30 UTC NOAA

LRBC 191830Z 15008KT 9999 FEW055 OVC065 07/04 Q1012

Station Type Date Time Source
LRBC Decoded METAR 2024/04/19 18:30 UTC NOAA

Bacau, Romania (LRBC) 46-35N 026-58E 190M
Apr 19, 2024 - 02:30 PM EDT / 2024.04.19 1830 UTC
Wind: from the SSE (150 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Temperature: 44 F (7 C)
Dew Point: 39 F (4 C)
Relative Humidity: 81%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.88 in. Hg (1012 hPa)
ob: LRBC 191830Z 15008KT 9999 FEW055 OVC065 07/04 Q1012
cycle: 18

Station Type Date Time Source
LRBC TAF 2010/08/31 20:30 UTC NOAA